Under the patronage of Prof (Dr.) V K Ahuja, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Library cum Knowledge Resource Centre in collaboration with IQAC, NLUJA, Assam, a special lecture was organized online on the topic ‘ACADEMIC INTEGRITY IN THE ERA OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE’ by Mrs. Purna Bose, Sr. Solutions Engineer, Turnitin, South Asia on 17th May, 2023 at 4.00 pm. The Lecture was delivered online via ‘Zoom’. The session was started with a welcome note by Dr. Kankana Baishya, Assistant Librarian, National Law University and Judicial Academy Assam followed by keynote address by Professor Ahuja where he expressed his keen interest in how the global leading plagiarism detection service Turnitin is doing to curb plagiarism in the era of artificial intelligence. The lecture highlighted the importance of Academic Integrity and Original Writing, the impact of AI in education (Academic Integrity), what is ChatGPT, the role of educators in ensuring the students’ learning objectives are met, and the role of Turnitin. The lecture was witnessed by 251 participants including educators, scholars, students and other officials nationwide. The programme was ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Jyotirekha Bhattacharyya, Assistant Librarian, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.