About Us

  • About Us

    The NLUJAA Library is on a rapid path of growth and development since its inception in 2009 with the establishment of the National Law School and Judicial Academy, Assam Act (Act No. XXV of 2009) and later amended as National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam (Amendment) Act (Act No. II of 2012), wherein the word ‘School’ was replaced by the word ‘University’. The library has undergone an expeditious growth in terms of its resources, staffs and infrastructures as time progressed.

  • Infrastructure

    The independent NLUJAA Library building is located centrally in the heart of the NLUJAA Campus, Amingaon. The state of the art library building is a four storied (Ground plus three) magnificent building spreading across a wide area of 50,000 sq. ft. approx. NLUJAA library is a fully air conditioned, wifi enabled and having RFID system installed for smooth running of its services. The library has an exclusive digital library section housed in the second floor of the building allowing its users to access high quality resources of the library. The library has approximately twenty thousand print collections in the field of law and allied subjects. These collections are housed in different sections of the library namely Law text book section, Social Science section, Reference Section and Back Volume Section are housed in the ground floor, first floor and third floor of the library building respectively along with sufficient reading space. The library is rich in terms of hardware infrastructure and owns Book Eye 4 Scanner, SureBind Systems 2 Strip Binders, Kindle Paperwhite, Self Issue Return Kiosk, Self Book Drop Unit, OPAC Kiosk in each floor and such others.

  • Mission

    The NLUJAA Library’s mission is to support legal teaching learning and research of the university community by providing comprehensive resources and services in the subject of Law and allied field. To fulfil this mission, the library commits to act as a knowledge hub for legal studies and legal education. It endeavours to facilitate the legal society by providing right information to right users at the right time.

  • Library Values

    The NLUJAA library values encompasses around:
    a. Acquisition and systematic organization of the information both in hard and softcopy format;
    b. Dissemination of the acquired information to its user base;
    c. Meet the needs of the users and reach them out;
    d. Achieving excellence in its services and impact
    e. Promote and create knowledge in the field of law and other allied subjects.

  • Objectives

    (i) To nurture and to promote quality and excellence in legal studies and research.
    (ii) To liaise with libraries of higher learning and research in India and abroad.
    (iii) To promote legal awareness in the community for achieving social and economic justice.

  • Library Hours

    During the Semester Period:
    Monday to Saturday: 8 A.M – 12 Midnight
    Sunday: 10 A.M – 5 P.M
    During the Vacation:
    Monday to Saturday: 10 A.M – 5 P.M
    Sunday and other holidays closed

  • Access Type

    NLUJAA Library support and promote open access philosophy. However, its resources held both on open access or open shelves and closed access or closed shelves. Users can access the resources housed on closed storage by taking the keys from the key box.

  • Software Used

    The NLUJAA library has implemented Koha, world’s first free and open source integrated library management software. Koha is advanced software with Powerful searching, and an enhanced catalogue display that can use content from Amazon, Google, LibraryThing, Open Library, and Syndetics, among others. Koha includes all the comprehensive modules like acquisitions, circulation, cataloguing, serials management, authorities and flexible reporting.

  • Classification System

    According to OCLC “Classification schemes are used to provide a systematic arrangement of materials. The classification numbers applied to books and other materials are used to arrange items on shelves and to support browsing, filtering and retrieval of bibliographic information”. The NLUJAA library follows the 23rd edition of Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) scheme and OCLC experimental online classify system to classify the library resources.

  • Cataloguing

    NLUJAA Library cataloguing service allows user to retrieve information on the available resources in the library starting from electronic databases to bare acts. The information of a resource contains title, author, place of the publication, publisher, year of publication, shelving location and the availability status of the particular item i.e. whether in loan, damaged, lost etc.